Thrilled to be part of the largest dam removal in US history and helping along the vision of a post dam Klamath River!
Klamath Dam Removal: FERC issues draft EIS!
We’re one step closer to seeing 4 problematic dams on the Klamath River removed. Take a read of the full draft EIS!
Happy Halloween!
Rogue River Steelhead Report
The second half of October saw some rising rivers, a little tougher conditions for a few days and then some awesome fishing. I was on the water most days this month and there is no denying that October is a good month for a reason. Enjoy a few photos, and look forward to more as I dive into my Klamath season!
Colin Enjoys a fine fish at the take out!
Ryan Bittle of PNW landing nets shows how to get it done!
First Steelhead, and on the Swing! Way to go Anistasia!
Kinda funny how we only managed one photo of the many...
Homer and Kate Shared a few fish on the Klamath
Thank you every one for joining me in October! I am looking forward to next month and hitting the water again with many of you in the coming months and next year! Still a select few openings in November on the Klamath. 760-424-9682 or