Adventure Awaits

Hosted Travel

Each year Brandon hosts groups of anglers to select angling destinations. These destinations and lodges have been hand picked to showcase the regions best, just like our own guide program.

Next Up: Xcalak, April 2025

Aniak River

This is an Alaskan Epic!

Join us as we skate mouse patterns across the surface of the Aniak River for Leopard Rainbows, Arctic grayling and Dolly Varden. Swing the depths for Chum, King and Pink Salmon along with Northen Pike and an Aniak special; Sheefish.

This is a tightline fishers delight; no beads or bobbers required!

Large Permit xcalak fly fishing

Join in 2025! Huge diversity with many miles of uncrowded flats

With a “front yard” in the meso-American reef flats and a “backyard” in the miles and miles of uncrowded bay flats, Chetumal is the hidden gem of the Yucatan Peninsula. A bonefish paradise with excellent numbers of permit, resident tarpon, snook and barracuda the flats are as varied as the fish they hold.

usac highstick.jpg

Speaking Engagements

Brandon regularly visits angling clubs to present on a variety of flyfishing topics. Multi-media presentations are engaging and informative. Presentations can be customized to your clubs interests.

If your club is seeking a presenter, please drop us a line on the form below

Current Topics:

Guides eye view of the Upper Klamath dam removal

Fishing the seasons in the mythical State of Jefferson

Fishing Connected: Spey, streamer and euro approaches