Winter Steelhead in Southern Oregon

The Solstice was yesterday, but really winter is just now getting started. There is no doubt that steelhead in winter are one of the most challenging freshwater pursuits. High water, fickle fish, tough conditions. It's not for everyone, but for those of us that brave it all and can handle the hammering, the rewards are really special, and like so many pursuits in life, it's not the destination, it's the journey.

To book a winter steelhead day, simply give me a call - 760-424-9682

Merry Christmas!


Rogue River set for a great Fly-Only

Fish Counts: 1054 Water Temp: 61

Fishing on the Upper Rogue River has been quite good as of late. A few weeks back I noticed fish seemed to be kegged up in a few likely spots. Flows were low, temps were higher (but still acceptable) and more than a few people new where to look.

Case and Point. Keith with a standout!

Case and Point. Keith with a standout!

With a bump in the flows to encourage Fall Chinook Salmon to begin their migration, I took a recon trip out to the coast with Kellen Igou (who knows more than a few things spey) 

While time and place didn't come together for us on that trip, nothing beats 2am starts and mid day naps. Yawn.

First Light.

Back up river however the flows have shaken the fish up and dropped the water temps a bit. Fly only is a week away, the Fall Chinook have arrived and we are finding these...

What More do you Need?

What More do you Need?