When fishing with Worthington Fly Fishing, we provide exceptional guiding and outstanding days on the water. We are honored to not only make sure your getting the best action of the season but also a healthy, gourmet lunch! Try not to drool over today’s Mushroom and Tri Tip sandwiches on Bridget’s Grandma’s French Roll recipe!
Brandon Worthington presents @ Diablo Valley Fly Fisherman
Brandon Worthington presents “Fishing the seasons in the Mythical State of Jefferson" at Diablo Valley Fly Casters
Diablo Valley Fly Fisherman, Tuesday November 19th
The Gardens at Heather Farm, Camelia Room
1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek
Join Brandon Worthington of Worthington Fly Fishing for a multimedia presentation to explore and learn about their seasonal approach to the best fly fishing opportunities in Far Northern California and Southern Oregon. He’ll emphasize strategies, tactics and timing for Summer and Winter Steelhead as well as endemic Redband Rainbows on the Rogue, Klamath, Umpqua and beyond.
Who needs a lucky fishing Hat?
A full day Steelheading in September requires a good set of sunglasses and, for most, a lucky fishing hat.
But for Galen, maybe not! He seemed to buck the trend that luck is attached to a hat, or indeed, a necessary part of the equation at all.
What a beauty from the Rogue River during Fly-Only regulations.
Rogue Steelheading, Fly Only 9 days away
With the Increase is flows to aid incoming Fall Chinook salmon up the Rogue River canyon, steelhead fishing continues to be excellent as fresh fish arrive. The peak of the Steelhead season on the Rogue is August - November with Fly only regulations taking place September 1 - October 31.
Half-Pounders on the Upper Rogue River!
The Rogue River has an epic Steelhead run each fall. But this year we are also seeing many half-pounder to the net too! So great, keeping the rods bent.
Keep em wet, these fish will return to the ocean to grow larger and return next year. Double fun!
Check out Ashland, OR for your next fly fishing trip
Ashland, Oregon has it all - Food and Wine, accomodation, entertainment and a plethora of outdoor recreation opportunities, including outstanding regional fly fishing destinations such as the Rogue and Klamath Rivers.
At Worthington Fly Fishing we have you covered on the water and ensure your fly fishing experience is everything you could have hoped for. But to see why Ashland is such a stand out for your next getaway, check out Vogue Magazines recent article about where to eat, drink and stay and play while you are here.
Tight Lines,
Pinch Your Barbs
I plan to hook them again tomorrow, so I like to make sure their chances are as good as possible. Keep your tip up and keep your tension, but pinch your barbs!
Spring Fly Fishing in Southern Oregon
Southern Oregon + Northern California Fly Fishing Report
As the rivers in our area continue to fish well for winter steelhead, warmer, brighter days signal that the end of the season is in sight. Between storms and as waters clear, the observant angler can look in shallow tail-outs and see the occasional fish digging redds and dropping eggs. It's a special dance to witness and one I hope goes well for the fish who are ensuring their legacy and our continued opportunity to fish.
As waters warm through the spring months, wild trout in the Klamath and Rogue become much more active and feed on the bounty of aquatic insects and baitfish.
Both the Rogue and Klamath Rivers see strong hatches of golden stoneflies and salmonflies early in the season. On the Rogue, most fish are small but Cutthroat to 20 inches or more can show themselves from the deep over hanging branches of the upper river in May. Dry fly fishing in the early mornings and evenings can be non-stop action and trips are a perfect addition to a spring weekend in Ashland, OR.
Meanwhile, on the Klamath River, swarms of stoneflies, caddis, and damsel choke the reeds and air, but the fish seldom feel the need to surface for them. Turbid waters, bouldery chutes and heavy water require skilled subsurface presentations. Serious anglers love this fishery and are often rewarded with high quality Redband Trout. We fish out of framed fishing rafts and the whitewater between fishing ensures a high adventure fishing trip.
Worthington Fly Fishing guides both the Rogue and Klamath rivers in Southern Oregon and takes pride in sharing exceptional guiding and outstanding days on the water. Join us in 2018 to kick off your trout season!